This goal will be a hard one to accomplish. In addition to finishing the books, I will be trying very hard not to buy new ones, and I would like to sell or donate the books once I'm done with them. They are contributing to clutter, and I rarely read books twice. Also, I discovered the university library has a great selection of best sellers, even some that I've bought! I wish I had gone there sooner. On my to-read list at the moment :
Are You There, Vodka? It's Me, Chelsea - Chelsea Handler
BONK! (Checked out from the library!) - Mary Roach
The 4-Hour Work Week - Tim Ferriss(In my quest to improve my financial situation)
I am a fairly quick reader, but with work, and school, and everything else going on, it is increasingly difficult to finish and absorb a book like I used to. I also subscribe to and read (every month) :
Marie Claire
Budget Travel
Men's Health (my boyfriend's)
Details (free subscription)
Martha Stewart Living (free subscription)
I can't help it. I feel the compelling need to consume information. Though this time could be better used studying and improving my academic situation.
Returned (a while ago!)
4 months ago
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