Sometimes, even the best laid plans go awry. My plan was to use the bonus I received to pay off my mom. However, I was not anticipating it being taxed at the rate of almost 40%! Oh well. I told my mom I would be paying her back by the end of this month, and she told me I didn’t have to pay her back. But, I am going to pay her back. However, instead of paying the full $1250 at once like I planned, I am going to be paying back $625 with this pay, and then $625 in the next. Hopefully, this will all go according to plan. Another large chunk of my paycheck was eaten up by plane tickets to see my parents in March. They usually take care of the tickets, either by credit card or by frequent flier miles, but since I will be taking my boyfriend with me, and am also aiming to be more independent, I paid for both of our tickets (his ticket will be in lieu of what I would paying for rent in March, so that is one bill I don’t have to worry about in my next paycheck). The total for both tickets was $556. I also went to get some maintenance done on my car yesterday, anticipating a bill in the $250-$350 range based on what I was told needed to be done to the car (by another car maintenance shop). Instead, I had my back brakes inspected, then cleaned and adjusted, my tires balanced and rotated, as well as a high mileage oil change—all for the low price of $45. Apparently, the expensive brake services and flushes suggested by another place were completely unnecessary- something was just loose on the back brakes, and they (Pep Boys) tightened it for free. Yay!! I definitely needed that, because the plane tickets ended up costing a bit more than I anticipated. Anyhow, I have about $250 to get me through the next couple of weeks. I hope nothing expensive/unexpected comes up.
Returned (a while ago!)
4 months ago
1 comment:
I hear you on the Bank of Mom Loan. I have one as well and she's waved it off but 'I' need to pay it back. Important rite of passage. good for you!!
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