Friday, September 19, 2008


I am still trudging along.  My raise went into effect this paycheck, and now I am making $30 more every two weeks.  Not great, but better than nothing.  Also, my expenses should be officially going down.  I just paid the last electric bill from my old apartment, and should also be getting a refund for a few bucks from my last cable bill.  On Monday, BF's phone contract is up.  I had a plan, then added him to my plan to make it a family plan, but my contract is not up until the end of December.  I am going to switch the BF to prepaid on Monday and buy him a $100 credit.  He doesn't talk on the phone much so that should last him for a few months (1000 minutes).  Also, he has a work cell phone he can use if needed.  His main concern, since we don't maintain a house phone/land line, was that he needed to keep his cell phone number since it's on so many documents, and he doesn't want to update everything with a dif. number.  In December, I too will make the switch from contract to prepaid.  My cell phone currently costs me $1200/yr with myself and my boyfriend.  If I can save half of that, I'll be happy.  I will try to use it to screen calls and then call people back from my BF's work phone.  I'm going to do a little research to see if switching my plan or switching carriers would be a better idea before I move his account on Monday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just found you blog!Welcome to PF world!Adding you my link love..